I love australia
(Australia Community, Jagüey Grande, Matanzas. April 2018)
I love Australia is the second episode of the scenic series I love Cities. Built in the Australia community of Jagüey Grande, Matanzas (Cuba) from a residence for research and coexistence with its inhabitants, the vast majority of whom are immigrants from the eastern Cuban provinces. and in dialogue with Local institutions and the Municipal Pupular Power.
I love Australia is a piece that re-signifies the spaces of social abandonment and amplifies the voices of popular knowledge silenced or lost in memory. Collectively, it questions the limits of architectural ruins, community ruins, personal and desire ruins.
I love Australia was introduced for three days, with three parts or rituals that made up its triptych structure:
Part 1: The consecration of Jagüey
Part 2: The Clue
Part 3: Faith, Hope and Charity
A creation by José Ramón Hernández in collaboration with:
I love Asutralia,
but the first time I only got to the FAR Command Museum
like a tourist
I confess it
#tourism and #history
Australia or what was on the other side of the train line,
it was a blurry horizon, ghostly to me,
with a chimney sticking out
no smoke now, from a #colonial, #neocolonial and #revolutionary sugar past.
This is how they taught me to read in history books,
Glucose overdose in the gaze.
#the central
@of arms, bodies, cane, stories
I love Australia,
The second time I went back to the Museum and crossed the dividing line, the train line,
the ruins of the Colonial House, the ruins of the Hotel,
the schools, the library, the workers' dining room
the batey stopped in a summer of joys of 2016,
the little australian amphitheater
the old inhabited barracks.
#Tracks and # Signals:
baby's emotion
the La Pista community
the strength of Onelius,
the crafts of the hours
no for an answer when we asked an Australian:
Have you done the train ride?
I love Australia,
this time I ask Jose on Messenger:
"Darling, how are you doing in Australia?
Have you seen many kangaroos? "
He tells me excitedly about Yuya, Humbertico,
Ronoel, Ibis, Fe, Riselda ...
I discover on facebook a page called
People from Central Australia, Cuba
And I read:
"At last a place for us natives of the central ;-) !!!"
“Warmth, Tasty and Solidarity! are the main characteristics of Australians "
Kirenia Ramos comments: "My neighborhood, I miss you"
Estrella Freire responds: "Nostalgia, those who gave the order to destroy the Central have no forgiveness ..."
(In the photo there is an image of the fireplace with the word Australia)
Yohayna Hernandez
Montreal, 2018